Drugs and Alcohol
Information to help you deal with issues surrounding drugs and alcohol

“I started doing what everyone else was doing, going to the night clubs once a week, then that turned into twice a week, then 4 times a week.” (Parent)
“I didn’t think it was a problem because all my other friends were doing it and their parents would babysit.
“Then it turned into drinking the other 3 days at my house. After I left detox, I went to rehab, then I found NA and AA and they were a huge support”. (Parent)
“I rang rehabs and the waiting list was too long or I wasn’t eligible or I didn’t fit the criteria. I’m like, ‘You are kidding me?’ So I actually turned my home into a rehab. For me, It was about building new friendships as well and meeting new people to associate with that didn’t use drugs or alcohol. And to this day, my premises are still alcohol-free, smoke-free and drug-free.” (Parent)
Residential Rehab Services
Destiny Haven
Family-oriented environment where women can experience safety, unconditional love and acceptance, encouragement, counselling and appropriate psycho-and life-skills education to help their recovery and wellness journey. (Hunter Valley)
Kamira Farm
Residential treatment options for women, pregnant women, and women with children who are experiencing problematic alcohol and/or other drug use across New South Wales. (Central Coast)
Kwila Community Based Rehab
Flexible, community-based rehabilitation programs with a focus on continuum of care and integration with other healthcare, social and recovery support services. (Hexham)
Phoebe House
A residential, drug and alcohol rehab program to meet the treatment needs of mothers experiencing substance use issues. The program is holistic, evidence- and outcomes-based and is tailored to each resident and their children’s individual care needs. (Rockdale, Sydney)
The Glen
Ngaimpe Aboriginal Corp. Residential Drug and Alcohol Services for men and women. (Central Coast)
We Help Ourselves (WHOs)
Day program and Therapeutic Community Program. (Hunter Valley & others – see website)
Services to support you in managing drugs and alcohol:
Mercy Services Substance and Family Support
Offer a range of programs to assist families and individuals with a range of issues relating to housing and substance abuse support
Lakeview Detox Unit at Belmont Hospital
Withdrawal Management Unit
Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
Support for any narcotic (drug) related issues
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Support for any alcohol related issues
Australian Drug Information Network (ADIN)
Information and resources on alcohol and other drugs, links to research, journals and more
Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS)
24 hour hotline
St Vincent De Paul AOD Continuing and Coordinated Care (CCC) Program
Free and confidential service for people who are struggling to address their drug or alcohol issues
Hunter Primary Care Drug and Alcohol Counselling Psychology Service
Provide psychological counselling services for people with common mental health conditions and substance use problems
Calvary Mater Alcohol and Drug Clinical Services Support Information
Information about drug and alcohol support
HNE Drug and Alcohol Triage and Referral Service (DATARS)
Directory for drug and alcohol services
Calvary Mater Hospital Clinical Services
Information, referral and advice for drug & alcohol clinical services
HNE Newcastle Cannabis Clinic
Brochure on the Newcastle Cannabis Clinic
Do you have a question?
If you require some additional direction or support, feel free to send us an email.